Sabtu, 27 April 2013

rpp ngajar bahasa inggris


A.    Identitas

1.         Nama Sekolah                  : SMA N 8 Surakarta
2.         Mata Pelajaran                 : Bahasa Inggris
3.         Kelas/Semester                 : X /2
4.         Keterampilan Bahasa       : Speaking
5.         Genre                               :Expressing of Happiness
6.         Pertemuan ke-                  : 1-3
7.         Hari, tanggal                    : Kamis, 25 April 2013
8.         Alokasi Waktu                 : 6 x 45 menit (3 pertemuan)

B.     Standar Kompetensi
9          Mengungkapkan makna   dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
C.    Kompetensi Dasar
9.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih, memuji, dan mengucapkan selamat
D.    Indikator
Pada akhir pembelajaran ini, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
1.   Memberi contoh  ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan dalam gratitude, compliment, congratulation dan respons-nya secara variatif;
2.   Membedakan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut (gratitude, compliment, congratulation dan respons-nya) berdasarkan tingkat formalitasnya;
3.   Mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang benar;
4.   Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dalam percakapan secara tepat sesuai dengan konteksnya;

E.     Materi Pembelajaran
(Terlampir: Lampiran 1)

F.     Metode Pembelajaran
Small group discussion

G.    Prosedur Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan awal
a.       Greeting
b.      Praying 
c.       Checking students attendance
d.      Reviewing the previous lesson
e.       Stating a topic of the lesson
f.       Explaining the objectives and the benefit of the lesson
5 menit

Kegiatan inti
o    Pre-discussion
·         Formulate the goal of the discussion
·         Formulate the topic brief and clear
·         Prepare the rule of discussion
·         Prepare the facilities of the discussion

o    While discussion
·         Explain the procedure of discussion
·         Explain the material will be discussed
·         Do discussion

§  Post discussion
·         Give chance to all of group to present their result of the discussion in the front of the class.
·         Give a chance to other group to give comment
·         Give feedback
·         Conclusion

 5  menit


5 menit
Kegiatan akhir
a.       Summarizing the lesson
b.      Doing reflection
c.       Preparing the forthcoming topic/lesson
d.      Leave taking
5 menit

H.    Media Pembelajaran dan Sumber Pembelajaran
Media Pembelajaran
1.       Handout
Sumber Belajar
1.       Recount-text-traveling, sekolah (2010)
2.      Ungkapan, (2009)

I.       Penilaian
Jenis Penilaian             : Sumatif
Alat Penilaian              : Terlampir (lampiran 4)
Rubrik Penilaian          : Terlampir (lampiran 5)

Task 1
Read the following expression.
Gratitude is expression that used to said thank you to other people.

Kind of gratitude expression are:
Respond of expressing :
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for phoning me.
Thank you for assisting me.
Thanks you for your kindness.

Thank you for such a warm welcome.
Thank you for the ride.
Thank you for take me home.
Thank you for such a nice gift.
Thanks a lot for an inspiring book.
Thank you for spending time with me.
· You are welcome.
· Don’t mention it!
· Not at all.
· It was nothing at all.
· No problem.
· Glad to be of help.
· (it was) my pleasure.
· I am glad I could help.
· I am glad I could do it.
· I am glad I could be of help.

John     : Hi Ann, what’s wrong with you? You look pale.
Ann     : Hi John, I think I get cold, and my head so dizzy.
John     : What I can do for you Ann?
Ann     : Please take me home.
John     : Of course.
Ann     : Thanks a lot for take me home John.
John     : Glad to be of help

Jean     : Oh my God. That’s awful.
Sean    : Are you okay Jean?
Jean     : no, I’m not okay Sean.
Sean    : Something happen to you?
Jean     : I lost my Math book, and tomorrow I will have Math exam.
Sean    : Oh, that’s okay. You can borrow mine.
Jean     : Really? Don’t you have Math exam tomorrow?
Sean    : No, I don’t. I had Math exam in the first lesson today.
Jean     : thank you so much for your book.
Sean    : no problem.

 Task 1
Work in pair. Make a dialogue based on following situation based on the expression above.
1.      Your friend come to your house and wants to go home, but it’s raining and he/she don’t bring any umbrella.
2.      You lost your pen, and you want to borrow pen to your friend.
3.      Your friend gives you a gift for your birthday.
4.      You have headache and go to the doctor then doctor give you a medicine and suggest you to have a rest.
5.      You get bonus tickets when buy a tickets movie in grand 21.
6.      You lost your way to your friend’s house. Someone give you the right direction.
7.      Someone look that he/she can open the bottle of water, and you give a help.
8.      Someone wants to take a picture with you.
9.      Someone wants to know your phone number, and you give it.
10.  You an artist and your fan want you to sign her/his bag.
11.  You have an interesting book, and you lend it to your friend.
12.  Your friend like gardening and you give her/his seed of his/her favorite fruit.
13.  You found a wallet in the way home, and you give it back to the owner.
14.  You can’t clean the class by yourself, your friend come to you and help you.
Task 3
Read following expression.
Compliment is expression that used to give praising to other people. Some people use compliment to better up someday or to flatter in order to increase good will.

Expressing :

That’s terrific
What amazing movie?
What a nice dress?
You look great.
You look very nice.
Good grades.
Nice work.
You are such a nice boy/girl.
You are my best friend.
You’ve given me great help.
You are such a wonderful person.
You’ve help me a lot.

Contoh Percakapan:
Ron     : I have many pictures of places in Karanganyar.
Don     : may I see it.
Ron     : Okay.  Look, here is the picture of beautiful scenery in Tawangmangu.
Don     : wonderful. It’s so pretty, right?
Ron     : yes

X: Excuse me, Sir. May I know what car you drove? It’s really a wonderful car.
Y: Em... It's Mercedes Guardian
X: Ow... Of course! This car can hold out the missile and uncapable to broke by tank. That's terrific.
Y: I'm glad you like it. Thank you.
*Insipired by Breaking dawn novel <3

J: I'd like to compliment you on your specialty in decorating your home garden.
D: Thank you, but i really isn't anything special.
J: Really! This is very beautiful. I feel the freesia flower trough my head, the smell... oh! It’s so great.
D: Well, it's nice to hear that from someone with your experience!

Time to expressing compliment :
On his/her general appearance.
If you notice something new about the person’s appearance.
When you visit someone’s house for the first time.
When other people do their best.

Task  4
Make a dialogue based on the expression above in pair.

Task 5
Read following expression.
Congratulation is expression that used to said congratulate to someone when get a success.

Expressing :
Let me congratulate you.
Congratulations on your successful business.
My congratulations on your success.
Congratulations on your promotion.
That’s great!
How fortunate.
Pretty good.
Responding :
Thank you.
Thanks, I needed that.
That’s very kind of you.
It’s very kind of you to say that.
Do you really think so?
You’ve made my day!
The same to you.
I’m glad you like it.Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so.

Finn   :  Joe, I heard you won in the chess competition.
Joe     : that’s true.
Finn   : congratulation. I believe that you will win in that competition.
Joe     : it’s really kind of you to say so.
Finn   : you’re welcome.
Task 6
Make a dialogue based on the expression above in pair.
Make a dialogue contain gratitude, compliment, and congratulation expression above in group.

Minggu, 04 November 2012

PRAGMATICS speech assignment

Dispacable Me; Steal the Moon script film
Gru: Clearly we need to set a few rules. Rule number one: You will not touch anything.
Margo: Aha. What about the floor?
Gru: Yes, you may touch the floor
Margo: What about the air?
Gru: Yes, you may touch the air.
Edith: What about this?
[Holds a ray gun on her hands, the laser sight aimed right at Gru]
Gru: Ah! Where did you get that?
Edith: Found it.            
[Gru takes it away from her]
Gru: Rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?
Agnes: Does this count as annoying?
[puckles her cheeks]
Gru: [Stops her] Very!

·         Locution, Illocution,  Perlocution
Locution is the linguistic form of the expression one produces. Illocution is what the speaker means b what he says and perlocution is the effect that the expression has on the addresse of the expression. The situation of dialogue is Gru banned the children to annoye him when he works.
Gru: Clearly we need to set a few rules. Rule number one: You will not touch anything. (locution)( ilocution: Gru banned the children)
Margo: Aha. What about the floor? (perlocution:Margo asking about anything else which is banned or not) (locution: giving statement) (ilocution: asking that the floor is banned or not)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the floor (perlocution: allow the children to touch the floor)
Margo: What about the air? (locution: giving statement) (ilocution: asking) (perlocution: asking anything else again)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the air. (perlocution: allow children)
Edith: What about this?(perlocution: asking something) (locution: giving statement)(ilocution: she found a gun ray)
[Holds a ray gun on her hands, the laser sight aimed right at Gru]
Gru: Ah! Where did you get that? (perlocution: surprised) (locution: asking something)
Edith: Found it.(perlocution: she said that she found it)             
[Gru takes it away from her]
Gru: Rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right? (locution) (ilocution: banned the children again)
Agnes: Does this count as annoying? (perlocution: asking and making sure something)
[puckles her cheeks]
Gru: [Stops her] Very!(locution) (perlocution: banned)

·         Direct and Indirect Speech Act
Direct speech act is one using words conveying the speaker’s exact meaning or intention. In other words, a direct speech act is one whose linguistic form correspond the speaker’s meaning. An Indirect speech act is one using different words or types of expression to convey its speaker’s meaning or purpose. In other word, an indirect speech act is one whose linguistic form is different from the speaker’s meaning.
The situation of dialogue is Gru banned the children no to bother him.
Gru: Clearly we need to set a few rules. Rule number one: You will not touch anything. (direct speech)
Margo: Aha. What about the floor? (indirect speech)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the floor (direct speech)
Margo: What about the air? (indirect speech)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the air. (direct speech)
Edith: What about this? (indirect speech)
[Holds a ray gun on her hands, the laser sight aimed right at Gru]
Gru: Ah! Where did you get that? (indirect speech)
Edith: Found it. (direct speech)         
[Gru takes it away from her]
Gru: Rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?(direct speech)
Agnes: Does this count as annoying? (direct speech)
[puckles her cheeks]
Gru: [Stops her] Very!(direct speech)

·         Representative, Directives, Commisives, Expressives, Declaratives
The situation of dialogue is banned the children no to bother him.

Gru: Clearly we need to set a few rules. Rule number one: You will not touch anything. (Representative)
Margo: Aha. What about the floor? (Directives)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the floor (Commisives)
Margo: What about the air? (Directives)
Gru: Yes, you may touch the air. (Commisives)
Edith: What about this? (Directives)
[Holds a ray gun on her hands, the laser sight aimed right at Gru]
Gru: Ah! Where did you get that? (Directives)
Edith: Found it. (Representative)
[Gru takes it away from her]
Gru: Rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right? (Declaratives)
Agnes: Does this count as annoying? (Directives)
[puckles her cheeks]
Gru: [Stops her] Very! (Expressives)